12th & 13th of September 2023
Niehler Straße 104, Building B
50733 Köln

Request ticket now

The Direct to Talent Festival goes into the next round....

Maybe you were already with us last year or you're going to Zukunft Personal... but don't feel like a boring trade fair? Great, then come and visit us! Whether for breakfast, the masterclass or directly to the party - you are cordially invited to get to know the Direct to Talent strategy (D2T) with us. Why D2T? Because we want to talk to you about how you can address talent directly and authentically and learn a lot from e-commerce for your recruiting.

Kostenloses Ticket sichern
Unsere Bühne für das D2T Festival in unserem Office

Top Speaker

New impulses

Networking made easy

For free

How much knowledge fits on Cologne's smallest stage?




Keynotes &


Open discussion

Our presenters

Aylin Bruns

Aylin Bruns

Squad Lead & Host at talentsconnect AG
Lennard Rosar

Lennard Rosar

Kabarettist, Comedian, Moderator
Raúl Karkkonen

Raúl Karkkonen

Moderator & Squad Lead @ talentsconnect Academy


Mark-Chrisitan Schmidt unser Speaker für die Masterclass

Tatjana Kiel

CEO KLITSCHKO Ventures WeAreAllUkrainians gGmbh
Mark-Chrisitan Schmidt unser Speaker für die Masterclass

Hinnerk Landmann

Partner @ and User Relations & Freelance Creative Director & Copywriter
Mark-Chrisitan Schmidt unser Speaker für die Masterclass

Lars Wolfram

Co-Founder @ talentsconnect
Mark-Chrisitan Schmidt unser Speaker für die Masterclass

Kerstin Prothmann

Partnerin @ HRpepper Management Consultants
Mark-Chrisitan Schmidt unser Speaker für die Masterclass

Hessel Reimerink

Vice President Talent Acquisition, Employer Branding & Talent Management
Mark-Chrisitan Schmidt unser Speaker für die Masterclass

Madeline Timmer

VP B2B Marketing @ Hey Jobs
Mark-Chrisitan Schmidt unser Speaker für die Masterclass

Boris Beimann

Mentaler Auftritts- und Wettkampfcoach
Mark-Chrisitan Schmidt unser Speaker für die Masterclass

Manuel Koelmann

CEO Pirate.global
Mark-Chrisitan Schmidt unser Speaker für die Masterclass

Gero Hesse

CEO EMBRACE & Saatkorn Blogger/Podcaster
Mark-Chrisitan Schmidt unser Speaker für die Masterclass

Robindro Ullah

HR Podcaster, Speaker, Autor & Geschäftsführer, Managing Director @ Trendence Institut GmbH
Mark-Chrisitan Schmidt unser Speaker für die Masterclass

Sylvia Besler

HR Managerin Germany @ ELOPAK GmbH
Mark-Chrisitan Schmidt unser Speaker für die Masterclass

Julius Göllner

Co-Founder ARRtist, Founder & Managing Director eNugget Ventures Serial Entrepreneur | Early Stage Investor | Sales Expert
Mark-Chrisitan Schmidt unser Speaker für die Masterclass

Robin Sudermann

CEO und Co-Founder @ talentsconnect AG


Mark-Chrisitan Schmidt unser Speaker für die Masterclass

Dimitri Knysch

Managing Director DACH @ Cammio
Mark-Chrisitan Schmidt unser Speaker für die Masterclass

Heiner Terstiege

Director Marketing & Communications talentsconnect
Mark-Chrisitan Schmidt unser Speaker für die Masterclass

Till Ebinger

Recruiting enthusiast & Director Recruiting @ diconium

Unsere Speaker


Squad Lead Academy


Squad Lead New MRR bei talentsconnect

Max Klameth
Co-Founder & Director Academy bei talentsconnect
Svenja Tränkner
Squad Lead Partner bei talentsconnect
Gero Hesse
Blogger & Podcaster bei SAATKORN
Managing Director bei TERRITORY EMBRACE
Clara Peters
Tribe Lead Recruiting Intelligence bei talentsconnect
Till Ebinger
Director Recruiting bei diconium
Ana Fernandez Mühl
Executive Director Business Development bei TERRITORY EMBRACE
Mattia Schaper
Co-founder bei SDRs of Germany
Robin Sudermann
CEO & Vorstand bei talentsconnect
Heiner Terstiege
Executive Director Consulting & Creation
Joachim Diercks
Founder + MD @ CYQUEST GmbH & Recrutainment Blogger, Speaker, Buchautor, Hochschuldozent
Helena Klaus
Co-founder bei SDRs of Germany
Dimitri Knysch
Managing Director DACH @ Cammio
Mark-Christian Schmidt
Tribe Lead Managing Director Analytics @ talentsconnect
Johanna Jödden
Manager Strategic Talent Acquisition @ Atlas Copco
Lars Wolfram
Co-Founder & Director Business Development bei talentsconnect
Matthias Kleff
Head of Global Recruitment Marketing #HumanChemistry @ Evonik Industries AG
Udo Voelke
Talent Attraction & HR Marketing Professional @ Raven51
Stephan Weber
Founder  @ People Skills Club
Kai Bogner
Senior Recruiting Manager
@ talentsconnect
Dana Schilling
Leiterin Employer Branding @ EY
Kerstin Prothmann
Partnerin@ HRpepper Management Consultants
Ali Mahlodiji
Founder @ future One, Trendforscher @ Zukunftsinstitut, Kolumnist und Autor “New Work”, EU Jugendbotschafter und vieles mehr
Boris Beimann
Mentaler Auftritts- und Wettkampfcoach, Performance Wellness
Samira Helbig
@ People Skills Club

2 Days, 2 Topics

Dienstag, 13.09.

12:30 Uhr | Shuttle von der Zukunft Personal ins talentsconnect Office
13:00 Uhr | Eröffnung D2T Festival
13:30 Uhr | Masterclasses, Panels & Co. zum Thema: Ist Recruiting wie Sales? (mit Gero Hesse, Jo Diercks, Mattia Schaper, Dimitri Knysch, Heiner Terstiege, Mark-Christian Schmidt uvm.)
17:00 Uhr | Summary of the Day
18:00 Uhr | Dinner & Rooftop-Party

12:00 Uhr | Optionaler Shuttle von der Zukunft Personal ins talentsconnect Office

Wir informieren dich rechtzeitig vor dem Event zu den Fahrtzeiten des Shuttles von und zur Zukunft Personal.
Wenn du ein individuelles Shuttle benötigst, richten wir das für dich ein!

13:00 Uhr | Eröffnung D2T Festival 

Wir feiern Premiere und eröffnen unser erstes D2T Festival mit den größten Themen auf der "Kleinsten Bühne Kölns" bei uns im Campus.

13:30 Uhr | Keynote: Direct to Talent (D2T) in der Praxis (Campus)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam

Robin Sudermann
Co-founder & CEO @ talentsconnect
Clara Peters
Tribe Lead Recruiting Intelligence @ talentsconnect
14:30 Uhr | Panel: Recruiting vs. Sales (Campus)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam

Gero Hesse
Blogger & Podcaster @SAATKORN
Managing Director
@ Territory Embrace
Joachim Diercks
Founder + MD @ CYQUEST GmbH & Recrutainment Blogger, Speaker, Buchautor, Hochschuldozent
Mattia Schaper
Co-founder @ SDRs of Germany
Saleslove @ Salesloft
Kai Bogner
Senior Recruiting Manager
@ talentsconnect
15:30 Uhr | Masterclasses:
Masterclass - Das perfekte Stellenprofil (Academy)


Heiner Terstiege
Executive Director Consulting & Creation @ Territory Embrace
Clara Peters
Tribe Lead Recruiting Intelligence @ talentsconnect


Mattia & Helena
@ SDRs of GER
Masterclass - Wie Recruiting die Versprechen von Employer Branding halten kann (Co-Work)


Dimitri Knysch
Managing Director DACH
@ Cammio
Lars Wolfram
Co-Founder & Director Business Development bei talentsconnect


Stephan Weber
@ People Skills Club
Masterclass - How to avoid Recruiting Fuck ups in your business plan (Campus)


Mark-Christian Schmidt
Tribe Lead Managing Director Analytics @ talentsconnect


Gero Hesse
Blogger & Podcaster @SAATKORN
Managing Director
@ Territory Embrace
17:15 Uhr | Gametime: Let`s play Kahoot as Summary of the Day

Und? Wie war dein Festival-Tag? Lass uns ihn gemeinsam im Campus bei Dinner & Drinks abschließen.

18:00 Uhr | Dinner & Direct to Party

Von "Direct to Talent" zu "Direct to Party" - da wir uns in unserem Büro wie zuhause fühlen, kannst du dir den Abend wie eine große WG-Party vorstellen. Wir sehen uns bei Beer-Pong & Co. mit DJ Klosi.

Mittwoch, 14.09.

09:30 Uhr | Doors open & Breakfast
10:00 Uhr | Breakfast & Eröffnung D2T Festival
10:30 Uhr | Masterclasses, Panels & Co. zum Thema: Der Recruiter der Zukunft (mit Robin Sudermann, Johanna Jödden, Till Ebinger uvm.)
12:00 Uhr | Shuttle von und zur Zukunft Personal ins talentsconnect Office
Uhr | Masterclasses, Panels & Co. zum Thema: Wem gehört die Karriereseite? (mit Lars Wolfram, Udo Voelke, Marek Claussen, Matthias Kleff, Stephan Weber uvm.)
17:00 Uhr | Summary of the Day
18:00 Uhr | Drinks

10:00 Uhr | Breakfast

Wir starten den Tag gemütlich mit Kaffee & Frühstück bei uns im Büro.

11:00 Uhr | Eröffnung D2T Festival Day TWO

Wir eröffnen den zweiten Tag unseres D2T Festivals mit den größten Themen auf der "Kleinsten Bühne Kölns" bei uns im Campus.

11:30 Uhr | Panel: Recruiter:in der Zukunft (Campus)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam

Johanna Jödden
Manager Strategic Talent Acquisition @ Atlas Copco
Till Ebinger
Recruiting enthusiast & Director Recruiting @ diconium
Robin Sudermann
CEO & Co-founder @ talentsconnect
Kerstin Prothmann
Partnerin@ HRpepper Management Consultants
12:00 Uhr | Optionaler Shuttle von der Zukunft Personal ins talentsconnect Office

Lehn dich zurück und lass dich zu uns ins Office kutschieren.

12:30 Uhr | Optionaler Shuttle vom talentsconnect Office zur Zukunft Personal oder Co-Working & Networking

Lehn dich zurück und lass dich zur Zukunft Personal kutschieren.

13:00 Uhr | Panel: Wem gehört die Karriereseite? (Campus)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam

Matthias Kleff
Head of Global Recruitment Marketing #HumanChemistry @ Evonik Industries AG
Portraitfoto von Ana Fernandes-Mühl. Sie blickt direkt in die Kamera und trägt eine Bluse mit Blumenmuster.
Ana Fernandez Mühl
Executive Director Business Development bei TERRITORY EMBRACE
Dana Schilling
Leiterin Employer Branding @ EY
Svenja Tränkner
Squad Lead Partner bei talentsconnect
15:00 Uhr | Inspirational Keynote: START, FAIL, INNOVATE & KICK ASS - warum Fehler unsere besten Wegbegleiter sind (Campus)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam

Ali Mahlodji
Founder @ futureOne, Trendforscher @ Zukunftsinstitut, Kolumnist und Autor “New Work”, EU Jugendbotschafter und vieles mehr
16:15 Uhr | Masterclasses:
Masterclass - Traffic Tricks (Academy)


Udo Voelke
Talent Attraction & HR Marketing Professional @ Raven51
Lars Wolfram
Co-founder @ talentsconnect


To be announced..
Masterclass - Erfolgreiches Tech-Recruiting (Co-Work)


Stephan Weber
Founder  @ People Skills Club


Sascha Nos
Freelance Developer
Masterclass - To be announced.. (Campus)


To be announced..


To be announced..
16:00 Uhr | Closing: Summary of the event

Und? Wie war dein Festival-Tag? Lass uns ihn gemeinsam im Campus bei Snacks & Kölsch abschließen.

16:30 Uhr | Kölsch & Chill

"Nein man, ich will noch nicht gehen, lass uns noch ein bisschen ..." KÖLSCH trinken? Du bist herzlich eingeladen den Abend mit uns zusammen ausklingen zu lassen.

Tuesday, 12th of September
12.30 - 13.00
Open doors
Arrive at the talentsconnect office in Cologne-Nippes and grab a coffee.
13.00 - 14.15
Opening D2T Festival
Recruiting 2023 & beyond
Lars Wolfram
Lars Wolfram
Co-Founder @ talentsconnect
Julius Göllner
Julius Göllner
Co-Founder ARRtist, Founder & Managing Director eNugget Ventures | Serial Entrepreneur | Early Stage Investor | Sales Expert
Lennard Rosar
Lennard Rosar
Kabarettist, Comedian, Moderator
Raũl Karkkonen
Raũl Karkkonen
Moderator & Manager @ talentsconnect Academy
14.30 - 16.00
Chat GPT in HR
Madeline Timmer
Madeline Timmer
VP B2B Marketing @ Hey Jobs
Heiner Terstiege
Heiner Terstiege
Chief Strategy Officer @ Embrace Agency
D2T in practice: How OBI wins more applications and saves costs at the same time
Hessel Reimerink
Hessel Reimerink
Vice President Talent Acquisition, Employer Branding & Talent Management
Mark-Christian Schmidt
Mark-Christian Schmidt
Managing Director and Member of the Executive Board @ talentsconnect
Film graveyard Youtube: Germany's most boring corporate videos
Hinnerk Landmann
Hinnerk Landmann
Partner @ and User Relations & Freelance Creative Director & Copywriter
Dimitri Knysch
Dimitri Knysch
Managing Director DACH @ Cammio
16.30 - 17.00
Summary Workshops
Summary Workshops
Lennard Rosar
Lennard Rosar
Kabarettist, Comedian, Moderator
Raũl Karkkonen
Raũl Karkkonen
Moderator & Manager @ talentsconnect Academy
17.00 - 18.00
Interview Tatjana Kiel
Interview Tatjana Kiel
Tatjana Kiel
Tatjana Kiel
CEO KLITSCHKO Ventures WeAreAllUkrainians gGmbh
Aylin Bruns
Aylin Bruns
Squad Lead & Host at talentsconnect AG
🎉 Dinner & WG-Party
Wednesday, 13th of September
09.00 - 09.30
Hangover breakfast
09.30 - 10.00
How to act with ease under pressure
Under Pressure? (Or hungover?) How to act with ease under pressure
Boris Beimann
Boris Beimann
Mental performance and competition coach
10.00 - 11.15
Opening Day 2
Retention 2023 & beyond
Mark-Christian Schmidt
Mark-Christian Schmidt
Managing Director and Member of the Executive Board @ talentsconnect
Gero Hesse
Gero Hesse
Blogger & Podcaster @SAATKORN Managing Director @ Territory Embrace
Lennard Rosar
Lennard Rosar
Kabarettist, Comedian, Moderator
Raũl Karkkonen
Raũl Karkkonen
Moderator & Manager @ talentsconnect Academy
11.30 - 13.00
Deciphering the Retention Code. Developing strategies for sustainable retention.
Kerstin Prothmann
Kerstin Prothmann
Partnerin @ HRpepper Management Consultants
Empty words vs. DNA: How do I build a culture that is lived and loved?
Robin Sudermann
Robin Sudermann
Co-founder & CEO @ talentsconnect
Manuel Koelman
Manuel Koelman
CEO Pirate.global
Talk & Departure

Festivalpaket #1

· 13.09 nachmittags ab 12:30 Uhr:
· Fokus D2T: Ist Recruiting wie Sales
· Eine Auswahl von
  3 Masterclasses

Festivalpaket #2

· 14.09 vormittags bis 12:30 Uhr:
· Breakfast
· Fokus Recruiter der Zukunft
· Panel zum Thema "Wie sieht der   Recruiter der Zukunft aus?"

Festivalpaket #3

· 14.09 nachmittags ab 12:30 Uhr:
· Fokus Karriereseiten
· Panel zum Thema "Wem gehört   die Karriereseite?"
· Inspirational Keynote

DINNER & Direct to PARTY

· 13.09 ab 18 Uhr
· Open end

D2T Livestream

Recruiting of the future - D2T Festival 2023

Keynotes, Panels, Masterclasses - real to touch

After 2.5 years of online masterclasses, we've had enough: we want to meet you for real. We have prepared a unique festival program for you with keynotes, panels and masterclasses for concrete deep dives.

You are an expert! Whether in front of or on stage.

In our office we hear ourselves talking often enough - you can change that! Dare to interrupt us, ask questions and put in your two cents. This is the only way we can develop good ideas and practical solutions. And that is always our claim.

Impulses are cool, but you need it concrete?

You want recommendations for action that will immediately increase your recruiting success? Preferably tomorrow? No problem. We have our "Career Site Checks" (CSC) for you. A data expert takes 30 minutes and compares the performance of your recruiting measures with our data basis - at the end you get clear recommendations for action that will help you receive ø 4 times more applications.

Feel like at home

In our office you can feel at home. Use our workstations as a co-working space and exchange ideas with colleagues over food, coffee and Kölsch.
join now for free

D2T Festival 2023 - Your event for recruiting of the future!

12th & 13th of September 2023

You are fired up? Then block the 12th and 13th of September in your calendar. We are looking forward to seeing you!

Keynotes & Masterclasses on the Direct to Talent Strategy

One-on-one meetings with recruiting experts

Office party including catering

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Direct 2 Talent Festival

What our community members say

D2T Festival was probably the best event in ZP22. A cool team with many interesting and authentic speakers in a fabulous ambience.

Marco Gabrecht
Director Talent Acquisition

The D2T Festival was super inspiring! In a very relaxed, almost familiar atmosphere, we talked and discussed about the recruiting topics of tomorrow. And in addition, there was simply a mega atmosphere, mega party, mega network - that's how HR works!

Johanna Jödden

Global Manager Strategic Talent Acquisition

What is important to me at HR events? Gathering inspiration, expanding my network and having lots and lots of fun. Last year's D2T Festival was a mega highlight in all three categories. Now I'm looking forward to the sequel.

Heiner Terstiege

Director of Marketing DACH

Any QUestions?

Johanna Bode


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