12th & 13th of September 2023
Niehler Straße 104, Building B
50733 Köln
The Direct to Talent Festival goes into the next round....
Maybe you were already with us last year or you're going to Zukunft Personal... but don't feel like a boring trade fair? Great, then come and visit us! Whether for breakfast, the masterclass or directly to the party - you are cordially invited to get to know the Direct to Talent strategy (D2T) with us. Why D2T? Because we want to talk to you about how you can address talent directly and authentically and learn a lot from e-commerce for your recruiting.

Top Speaker
New impulses
Networking made easy
For free
How much knowledge fits on Cologne's smallest stage?
Keynotes &
Open discussion
Our presenters

Aylin Bruns
Squad Lead & Host at talentsconnect AG

Lennard Rosar
Kabarettist, Comedian, Moderator
Raúl Karkkonen
Moderator & Squad Lead @ talentsconnect Academy

Tatjana Kiel
CEO KLITSCHKO Ventures WeAreAllUkrainians gGmbh

Hinnerk Landmann
Partner @ and User Relations & Freelance Creative Director & Copywriter

Lars Wolfram
Co-Founder @ talentsconnect

Kerstin Prothmann
Partnerin @ HRpepper Management Consultants

Hessel Reimerink
Vice President Talent Acquisition, Employer Branding & Talent Management

Madeline Timmer
VP B2B Marketing @ Hey Jobs

Boris Beimann
Mentaler Auftritts- und Wettkampfcoach

Manuel Koelmann
CEO Pirate.global

Gero Hesse
CEO EMBRACE & Saatkorn Blogger/Podcaster

Robindro Ullah
HR Podcaster, Speaker, Autor & Geschäftsführer, Managing Director @ Trendence Institut GmbH

Sylvia Besler
HR Managerin Germany @ ELOPAK GmbH

Julius Göllner
Co-Founder ARRtist, Founder & Managing Director eNugget Ventures Serial Entrepreneur | Early Stage Investor | Sales Expert

Robin Sudermann
CEO und Co-Founder @ talentsconnect AG

Dimitri Knysch
Managing Director DACH @ Cammio

Heiner Terstiege
Director Marketing & Communications talentsconnect

Till Ebinger
Recruiting enthusiast & Director Recruiting @ diconium
2 Days, 2 Topics
Tuesday, 12th of September
12.30 - 13.00
Open doors
Arrive at the talentsconnect office in Cologne-Nippes and grab a coffee.
13.00 - 14.15
Opening D2T Festival
Recruiting 2023 & beyond

Lars Wolfram
Co-Founder @ talentsconnect
Co-Founder @ talentsconnect

Julius Göllner
Co-Founder ARRtist, Founder & Managing Director eNugget Ventures | Serial Entrepreneur | Early Stage Investor | Sales Expert
Co-Founder ARRtist, Founder & Managing Director eNugget Ventures | Serial Entrepreneur | Early Stage Investor | Sales Expert

Lennard Rosar
Kabarettist, Comedian, Moderator
Kabarettist, Comedian, Moderator

14.30 - 16.00
Chat GPT in HR

Madeline Timmer
VP B2B Marketing @ Hey Jobs
VP B2B Marketing @ Hey Jobs

Heiner Terstiege
Chief Strategy Officer @ Embrace Agency
Chief Strategy Officer @ Embrace Agency
D2T in practice: How OBI wins more applications and saves costs at the same time

Hessel Reimerink
Vice President Talent Acquisition, Employer Branding & Talent Management
Vice President Talent Acquisition, Employer Branding & Talent Management

Mark-Christian Schmidt
Managing Director and Member of the Executive Board @ talentsconnect
Managing Director and Member of the Executive Board @ talentsconnect
Film graveyard Youtube: Germany's most boring corporate videos

Hinnerk Landmann
Partner @ and User Relations & Freelance Creative Director & Copywriter
Partner @ and User Relations & Freelance Creative Director & Copywriter

Dimitri Knysch
Managing Director DACH @ Cammio
Managing Director DACH @ Cammio
16.30 - 17.00
Summary Workshops
Summary Workshops

Lennard Rosar
Kabarettist, Comedian, Moderator
Kabarettist, Comedian, Moderator

17.00 - 18.00
Interview Tatjana Kiel
Interview Tatjana Kiel

Tatjana Kiel
CEO KLITSCHKO Ventures WeAreAllUkrainians gGmbh
CEO KLITSCHKO Ventures WeAreAllUkrainians gGmbh

Aylin Bruns
Squad Lead & Host at talentsconnect AG
Squad Lead & Host at talentsconnect AG
🎉 Dinner & WG-Party
Wednesday, 13th of September
09.00 - 09.30
Hangover breakfast
09.30 - 10.00
How to act with ease under pressure
Under Pressure? (Or hungover?) How to act with ease under pressure

Boris Beimann
Mental performance and competition coach
Mental performance and competition coach
10.00 - 11.15
Opening Day 2
Retention 2023 & beyond

Mark-Christian Schmidt
Managing Director and Member of the Executive Board @ talentsconnect
Managing Director and Member of the Executive Board @ talentsconnect

Gero Hesse
Blogger & Podcaster @SAATKORN Managing Director @ Territory Embrace
Blogger & Podcaster @SAATKORN Managing Director @ Territory Embrace

Lennard Rosar
Kabarettist, Comedian, Moderator
Kabarettist, Comedian, Moderator

11.30 - 13.00
Deciphering the Retention Code. Developing strategies for sustainable retention.

Kerstin Prothmann
Partnerin @ HRpepper Management Consultants
Partnerin @ HRpepper Management Consultants
Empty words vs. DNA: How do I build a culture that is lived and loved?

Robin Sudermann
Co-founder & CEO @ talentsconnect
Co-founder & CEO @ talentsconnect

Manuel Koelman
CEO Pirate.global
CEO Pirate.global
Talk & Departure
D2T Livestream
Recruiting of the future - D2T Festival 2023
Keynotes, Panels, Masterclasses - real to touch
After 2.5 years of online masterclasses, we've had enough: we want to meet you for real. We have prepared a unique festival program for you with keynotes, panels and masterclasses for concrete deep dives.
You are an expert! Whether in front of or on stage.
In our office we hear ourselves talking often enough - you can change that! Dare to interrupt us, ask questions and put in your two cents. This is the only way we can develop good ideas and practical solutions. And that is always our claim.
Impulses are cool, but you need it concrete?
You want recommendations for action that will immediately increase your recruiting success? Preferably tomorrow? No problem. We have our "Career Site Checks" (CSC) for you. A data expert takes 30 minutes and compares the performance of your recruiting measures with our data basis - at the end you get clear recommendations for action that will help you receive ø 4 times more applications.
Feel like at home
In our office you can feel at home. Use our workstations as a co-working space and exchange ideas with colleagues over food, coffee and Kölsch.
join now for free
D2T Festival 2023 - Your event for recruiting of the future!
12th & 13th of September 2023
You are fired up? Then block the 12th and 13th of September in your calendar. We are looking forward to seeing you!
Keynotes & Masterclasses on the Direct to Talent Strategy
One-on-one meetings with recruiting experts
Office party including catering
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Direct 2 Talent Festival