Digitalisierung und Recruiting im Mittelstand: Der Konkurrenz einen Klick voraus!
Lerne durch die perfekte Recruiting-Strategie, wie du das Rennen um neue Talente gewinnen kannst.

WIR sind talentsconnect!

Unser Team über die talentsconnect Kultur

Aleksandra Stankevich
Data Analyst, bei TC seit 02.2021
"Further in my journey I always felt enormous support towards my development - I learned so much from my teammates. There is no such thing as a bad question in TC, on the contrary you would be encouraged to ask questions. I always pointed this out to my friends how easy it is at TC to promote your ideas. You want to do something? You can just start doing it!"

Marius Wendt
Product Owner Connections Squad, bei TC seit 07.2016
"The TC culture to me, has a lot of different aspects. It starts with a respectful, funny and appreciating dealing with each other. No matter if you’re talking to the CEO, to one of the members or whoever is running around the office. It goes on with a constant willingness to help each other. Since my first day at TC in 2016, I never experienced something different. And that is great."

Clara Peters
Tribe Lead Recruiting Intelligence, bei TC seit 07.2017
"My experience is that at talentsconnect you can do anything and be anyone (professionally speaking) that you put your mind to with hard work, steep learning curves and a supportive team. This is amazing on the one hand and really difficult on the other hand. Nobody is going to tell you exactly what to do. Nobody is going to tell you how to do it. You will be challenged hard and you will very likely make a lot of mistakes. Maybe you will be asked a to do a little bit more than you can handle"
These companies already benefit from talentsconnect expertise!
Diese Unternehmen profitieren bereits von der talentsconnect Expertise!
Im Direct to Talent-Audit, analysieren wir die HR Strategie deines Unternehmens auf Datenbasis und füllen gemeinsam das Direct to Talent Strategy Canvas aus.

Du willst mehr zum Thema Organisationsstruktur erfahren?
Unser CEO Robin Sudermann war im Podcast ARRtist on air zu Gast und spricht mit Julius Göllner über Squads, Tribes und Chapter – ein innovatives Organisationsmodell nach dem Vorbild von Spotify.